Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Next "Next Step?"

There are several hand types that are difficult for responder to describe when holding the spade suit and hearing partner open the bidding with 1♥.  Many of these are accommodated by playing the Flannery convention, but many are not. 
    If you don’t play Flannery at this time, but are open minded about the possible benefits it could provide, consider that when you play Flannery you can also utilize the method written here.

    When a partnership has agreed to play Flannery within a 2/1 system, they should agree to play a modified version of the Kaplan Inversion as well.  The 1♠ response to the1♥ opener is artificial.  The 1NT response to the heart opening should show a very specific hand with 5 spades and less than invitational values without heart support.
    The 1♠ response should not be alerted as a forcing NT though, because that explanation would be misleading.  My preference for the alert description is:  “1♠ is an asking bid, requesting opener to make his natural rebid.  It denies holding 5 spades and a weak hand (less than invitational values), and it denies the ability to make a game forcing 2/1 response in a minor, and it denies any type of Bergen raise for the heart suit.”
    You might add to the explanation that it doesn’t deny holding 5 or more spades and invitational or game forcing values.
    Opener will rebid 1NT on all 5332 hands.  Opener will rebid the minor suit on all 5431 hands.  If opener is 5422 and the 4 card minor is very weak he is permitted to rebid 1NT, otherwise he should rebid the minor. A 2♥ rebid will show a 6 card suit, and the 2♠ rebid is the legit ♥/♠ reverse.
    Responder’s rebid after 1♥-1♠*-2m should be obvious.  He can pass any minor rebid with 4 card support and weakness, or raise with invitational values. Lacking support for the minor rebid, he will preference hearts when weak, holding a doubleton. A good 6 card minor can be introduced at the 2 or 3 level.  The 2NT rebid is a balanced game try.
    Responder’s rebid after 1♥-1♠*-1NT are equally self-evident. He will pass with a balanced minimum or raise to 2NT with invitational values. He can bid 2♣ or 2♦ with a good 5 card suit, non-forcing or he can rebid 2♥ which should probably show a very bad hand with 3 hearts.
    The value of this approach, so far, is the ease of finding the 4-4 minor fit, and the ability to stop at 1NT when no 8 card fit exists with good suit quality.

    When responder holds 5+ spades and the values to invite game or more he will be rebidding 2♠ after 1♥-1♠*-1NT or 1♥-1♠*-2♥/2m. Responder’s rebid of 2♠ is forcing and shows spades!
    (I put this auction in the prior entry: 1NT-2♦*-2♥-3♦ and made a comment that was so obvious to the reader that s/he may have said to themselves:  “daaa, give me a break!”  The reason I did this was to remind the reader how commonplace it is to bid a suit initially artificial (as a transfer) and then bid it later naturally. It is the same for the Kokish relay:  Opener rebids 2♥ over 2♦ as an artificial relay request, and then rebids 3♥ later to show the suit.)
    After 1♥-1♠*-1NT/2m/2♥-2♠, opener will rebid 2NT lacking 3 card support for spades and a minimum hand. This is non-forcing and may end the auction. Opener will raise spades with 3 card support and a minimum. If opener is weak and 5-5 he will rebid his minor. Opener is expected to jump to game in the appropriate strain when accepting the invite. Jumping to 3NT will promise 2 spades.  If opener has the values for game but lacks 2 or 3 card support for spades he will make a 4th suit bid or bid a minor fragment containing a NT stopper and bid 3NT later.
    If the reader wants to know what hands holding spades give responder (or the partnership) problems in standard 2/1 methods, consider:

    1.) KT9xx, Qx, xxx, QTx      1♥-1♠-2♣-? 
    Do you preference hearts or do you rebid spades?

    2.) KT9xx, Qx, xx, AQx    1♥-1♠-2♣-? 
    Do you invite game by rebidding 2NT?

    3.) KT9xx, x, xx, Axxxx        1♥-1♠-1NT-?
    Do you rebid 2♣?

    4.) AQTxxx, Qx, Kxx, xx    1♥-1♠-2♣-?
    Accepted practice is to rebid 3♠ here, nf. Do you like this bid?

    5.) AKJTxx, x, AKx, Qxx    1♥-1♠-2♣-?

    If a 3♠ rebid shows hand #4, what will you rebid here? 4th suit?
    If you bid the 4th suit, what will you do when partner bids 3NT?

    There are many such examples where the 8 card spade fit goes undiscovered or where the partnership ends up in a spade contract with a 6-1 or even 6-0 spade fit.
    If a partnership plays Flannery and has made the 1♠ response to 1♥ as promising a 5 card suit they have eliminated many of these problems. But now responder must bid 1NT forcing on many more hands than the standard bidders do. They have a very difficult time settling into a 4-4 minor suit contract, and have no option to play a final contract of 1NT.
    By adding this form of modified Kaplan Inversion to the Flannery structure all of these ambiguities are clarified. Using 1♠ as an initial asking bid over 1♥ sets the stage for describing a wide variety of hands actually holding spades (very much like the Kokish relay becomes a “stepping stone” to a variety of different hand types).

1♥-1NT-2♠         probably ends the auction, 3 card spade raise
1♥-1NT-3♠        ♥/♠ reverse, asking responder to bid game on top
1♥-1NT-4♠        ♥/♠ reverse wanting to be in game opposite minimum
1♥-1NT-2 grapes-2♠    weak six card suit (my idea)
1♥-1♠-2 grapes-2♠      invitational to game or more, forcing to 2NT   
1♥-1♠-2 grapes-3♠    semi-solid 6+, slam zone   
1♥-2♠            12 to 15 (my idea) 6+ spades
1♥-1♠-2 grapes-2♠-2NT-3♠    6+ spades invitational

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Next Step

After a bid has been made, “the-next-step” (TNS) is considered the minimum bid available to bidder’s partner.  TNS has value as an artificial bid in many situations.
    The oldest example, and one we may fail to recognize, is Stayman.  The 2♣ response to the opening bid of 1NT is TNS.  The negative response to Stayman is 2♦, also TNS.  The negative or waiting response to the artificial 2♣ opener is 2♦, TNS.
    TNS is artificial for all strong club opening bids, and TNS is utilized in many relay sequences within that structure.
    TNS is utilized in the modern two-way NMF (or, xyNT) as a way to differentiate invitational hands from game forcing hands.
    TNS is employed after an RKC response as an asking bid for the Queen of trump.
    Another modern method utilizes transfer bids by responder after a 1♣ opening bid. In this approach TNS becomes a transfer to hearts.

    In all of these TNS examples, the suit bid is completely artificial.  In other TNS situations, the bidder may or may not have length in the suit bid.  The earliest example of this may be the Walsh 1♦ response to the 1♣ opener. Since the Walsh 1NT response to the 1♣ opener had an 8 to 10 point range, responder was stuck for a bid when 3334 and 6 to 7 points, so TNS here showed at least three diamonds, but not a suit, per se.
    Another “may or may not have” TNS bid was devised by Erik Kokish as a way to show either of two ranges for strong NT hands. After 2♣, 2♦ (TNS), 2♥* (TNS) became an artificial relay bid. Responder must complete the relay by bidding 2♠ (TNS). Opener would then clarify his holding by rebidding 2NT to say he really didn’t have hearts but a very strong NT hand (24 or 25 pts+) or he will rebid 3♥ to state that he does, in fact, actually have a strong hand with the heart suit.
    It almost seems right to call the Kokish usage of TNS over the 2♦ response as a form of “stepping stone.” It can show a NT hand, a heart hand, a club/heart two suiter, or a diamond/heart two suiter.  It is even possible for the opener to raise the relay bid of 2♠ to 3♠ as a relay to 3NT for some monstrous minor suit hand.

    Take the auction: 1S p 1NT* p, this is a form of TNS in action.  Responder is, essentially, saying:  “I don’t have another bid that fits with our agreements.  I will make this “temporizing” bid that will enable you to make your planned rebid and I will let you know what type of hand I have at my next opportunity to bid.” Responder is in no way suggesting, at this point in the auction, the possibility of a NT final contract. I think most would agree the 1NT response to a major opening is more artificial than natural these days. It may end up being the final contract, but that will be by default when neither partner has the values or the distribution to bid again.
    Two recent articles by Ken Rexford and Bob Heitzman at have further developed TNS ideas. Bob has taken the Walsh (ambiguous) 1♦ response to the 1♣ opening bid and melded it with a Kokish-like “Stepping stone” to create a new and very dynamic TNS convention over the 1♣ opener he calls “The Utility One Diamond Response.” Ken has brought back the concept attributed to Edgar Kaplan called “The Kaplan Interchange” or “Kaplan Inversion.”  In Ken’s article the interchange takes place (not after 1♥ has been opened, as Edgar proposed it) after a minor suit is opened and responder bids 1♥.  By inverting the 1♠ and 1NT rebids by opener several good things can happen. I encourage the reader to look over both of these fine ideas!

    The purpose of this entry was to summarize the varied common usages for TNS agreements and/or conventions. Many TNS bids are totally artificial, and many “may-or-may-not-have” bids (like the Kosish 2♥) have been accepted into standard partnership agreements.
    Furthermore, when transfer bids are made and responder rebids the suit again most experienced players will recognize that the second time the suit is bid shows that suit.

        1NT – 2♦* - 2♥ - 3♦     shows hearts and diamonds

    I know all of this is pretty basic information but I wanted the reader, no matter his or her present skill level, to get a general understanding of the background of TNS bids because I am about to propose another TNS bid! But first I think a brief look into the Kaplan Interchange may be necessary to orient the reader.
    The Kaplan Interchange or Kaplan Inversion was designed to solve opener’s rebid problem when he was 4522 and heard his partner respond with a forcing NT to his heart opener.  (The Flannery convention solves all of opener’s rebid problems, but Edgar wanted a way to solve this problem without playing Flannery.)  Now, prevailing thought during this era was that opener should raise partner’s spade response with three card support to an honor.
     Unfortunately, when and if partner had responded 1♠ with xxxx, or Jxxx of spades the resulting seven card trump suit proved inadequate.  As a consequence, many responders would choose to bypass a weak four card suit in favor of a forcing NT, to be on the safe side. The problem now was that often the 4-4 spade fit was left undiscovered when opener was too weak to reverse.
    Edgar’s solution to this problem was to invert the NT and spade responses. The 1NT response would show five or more spades and was forcing, and the 1♠ response could be made with four spades or less.  If opener had four spades he would rebid 1NT over the 1♠ response, otherwise he would bid his three card minor. If responder did have four spades he would raise spades when his partner had rebid 1NT.
    I will post this and follow-up with a piece entitled “ The Next Next Step.”


Friday, January 13, 2012

More Rodrigo y Gabriela

Another decent video, or two

I play often with "back2back2". This is a hand that exemplifies his unrivaled enthusiasm for bidding a lot! Often it works out well, as in this hand, but getting him reigned in is a constant source of discussion. His goals are top scores not consistently good scores, and his style is more in line with matchpoints than IMPs. 3S was a super accept, and I had to assume 4D was a slam try. Maybe the jump to 6H took away the possibility of a grand slam on this hand (little did I know) but I wanted to make sure the hand got played from the right side.
The question now is how to place the movie or rather how to place the text around the movie so that the text Now we are making real progress!
making progress,i think?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Getting started

The primary objective of this initial post is to learn how all this html stuff works.  It will be my intent to import the movies of interesting hands I have played on BridgeBase, and supplement the visual with text of what was going through my brain as the hand was played.
This blog will also include some of my writings on modern bidding methods, many of which may provoke comment.  I welcome these comments and will respond to them.